Back How Can Your Business be More Mobile? With Sean Jennings

How Can Your Business be More Mobile? With Sean Jennings


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Considering some of our smart phones are more powerful computers than those that existed on the Apollo Spacecraft that landed on the moon, the way we do business on the road is changing. According to our IT guru Sean Jennings, we all need to examine the question of how our businesses can be more mobile.

1. Use some sort of cloud storage. Dropbox, Box, Sharepoint, Skydrive.  These all allow documents to be synchronized across multiple devices.

2. Try working from laptops instead of desktops first. Then tablets instead of laptops.  The more mobile you can make your workforce the more mobile and productive they will become.

3. Migrate to enterprise email like Exchange and not old basic POP.  Exchange syncs email, contacts and calendars across all your devices. POP has not method for synchronization across multiple devices.

4. Implement a VPN for secure remote access.  If your data is stored at your office you need some way to securely access it.  A VPN is the most secure way to manage and support this.

5. Upgrade to a VoIP phone system.  The last piece of the puzzle is to enable your mobile users access to the telephone while they travel. A VoIP phone system manages this and can save your business money in the long run.