
Last update03:31:25 PM

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Back Advertise with BiZTV Ad Specifications

Advertisements Specifications

We offer both banner advertising and video advertising.  For advertising rates please contact us.  

Ad Banner Specifications

Standard Banner File Types:  .jpg, .gif & .png  Animation is accepted with no looping limit. There must be at least a 1 second delay between frames.

Flash Banner File Types: banner in .swf format, created using Macromedia Flash or other swf generating software such as swish.   Since not all browsers support Flash/Shockwave, banner code must be degradable to Flash 8 or less.  BiZTV Canada does not allow banners to automatically download plug-ins or ask the user to download plug-ins. User-initiated audio only, banner must contain clearly visible "audio / on off" buttons

Filenames: The filename should have no characters in it other than alphanumeric, underscore, period or dash, and end in the appropriate extension eg .jpg, .gif, .swf

Web Optimized:  Please submit web optimized files only.  Please see the maximum file size table below.  If they are not optimized we may optimize them for you at additional cost?

  • Ads cannot be hosted from a third party ad server.
  • All ads are subject to the BiZTV Canada’s approval. We reserve the right to reject any advertising at any time, for any reasons, even if a reservation has been made or a representative has directly solicited a product or account.
  • We are not responsible for any errors made in the banners.
  • We highly encourage clean, attractive, professionally-designed ads. Need design help?  Contact our professional designers for help.

Banner Max File Size:

Please keep standard banner file sizes to 30Kb and under.   Please keep flash banner file sizes to 40Kb ad under.  

Video Ad Specifications

File Types:   mp4, flv

Compression: H.264

Web Optimized: please submit web optimized files only.   video banners must be kept under the maximum allowed file size.    We require 10-day testing period for all video banners. If they are not optimized we may optimize them for you at additional cost?

Video Dimensions: 

Ad Zone Standard Banner Max. File Size Flash Banner Max. File Size Banner Dimensions
jpg Right2 30 Kb 40 Kb 125 x 125px
Middle, Bottom 30 Kb 40 Kb 180 x 150px
Header 30 Kb 40 Kb 468 x 60px
Right 30 Kb 40 Kb 300 x 250px
Right1 30 Kb 40 Kb 120 x 240px
Top Right 30 Kb 40 Kb 300 x 100px
Presentationa Dimensions Notes:
Primary Web 640x360px
HD Web Option 1280x720px
Mobile Devices 480x270px Ads may not display on all mobile devices.  Future development may reduce limitations.